Recently, while reading a blog post on Elegant Themes website, I noticed these great social sharing buttons docked off to the side of the screen. I loved how accessible they were and the fact that they scrolled with the page. They were always right there staring you in the face…saying “click me…share this with your friends”. I immediately did some research (thank you Google Chrome inspect element) and got them onto my site. I found out that they were Smart Layers by AddThis. I have already seen an increase in the number of times my posts have been shared. For someone looking to increase the traffic to a blog or website, these buttons are invaluable.
So let’s get you setup with these great social sharing tools on your website to increase the traffic to your blog. Below is a tutorial video that I created which will help you to walk through the process of getting the code into your theme template and then customizing it to include the social sites you desire. Thanks for stopping by and please feel free to share any questions or comments below.