Plugin release: WC Simple Product Badge for WooCommerce

Posted on March 14, 2016

WC Simple Product BadgeDesigns 4 The Web has officially released a new plugin to the WordPress repository called WC Simple Product Badge. The plugin is a quick and easy solution for those looking to incorporate a product badge into their WooCommerce store without any coding.

WC Simple Product Badge creates three new custom fields in the WooCommmerce product meta admin panel. One is for the message you’d like displayed on the badge, the second is for an optional css class, and the third is the number of days the badge will be displayed. On the site, the text is displayed as a badge overlay on the WooCommerce store product image for the amount of time determined by the user. Some basic styling for the badge is included by default as well as some optional classes (e.g. orange, yellow, blue, green, purple, and black) to change the background color of the badge.

working on a project recently I was looking for a solution like this and didn’t really find any that I liked. I was looking for the ability to create my own custom message but also include a duration. All of the plugins that I found had one or the other but not both. Hence…my plugin was born. I hope that others find it useful as I know that I will for all of my future WooCommerce projects!

Be sure to check out WC Simple Product Badge for your next WooCommerce WordPress project!

Download WC Simple Product Badge

Why not grab the plugin and test it out on your own site? You’re gonna be glad that you did!


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