WooCommerce is awesome! It’s easy to use out of the box loaded with functionality and of course the best part is that it is FREE! One of the best parts of the plugin is the scaleability as well as the filters and actions that are included in the code. If you are looking to remove a certain piece of code or filter a message on the front end, chances are that someone has either already done it and posted about it or you can simply check out the WooCommerce Action and Filter Hook Reference page in conjunction with the template file heirarchy and you’ll be able to come up with a solution.
Recently, I was looking to filter the WooCommerce thank you for your order message that is displayed on the front end to the user after a successful purchase. You would think that would be easy enough…but I couldn’t find anyone with a working code snippet.
If you are looking for similar functionality…check out the code snippet below to see how you can filter the WooCommerce thank you message after the checkout page.
Where is code snippet? I can’t see it!