Let’s face it…we all could use a little help in our lives whether it be cleaning up the house, helping with the kids or pushing out our latest WordPress posts to all kinds of social outlets. Unfotunately, I can’t help with the first two as I struggle with them myself, but I can offer you some assistance with the last one. Here’s the secret…it’s called “If This Than That” or IFTTT.
If This Then That…it’s a little slice of heaven!
It’s a little slice of heaven, it really is. You simply setup recipes that carry out functions such as updating your Facebook page every time you post on WordPress or e-mail yourself the weather every morning when you wake up. The sky is seriously the limit. Here’s how it works. Currently there are 83 channels that can be activated and then you choose from the community’s recipes or create your own to git r’ done! Right now I have recipes for social sharing so that when I post to WP there is automatically a tweet and Facebook link that gets created…with no boggy plug-in, YAY! The only downside at this point is that there is no channel for Google+ which is disappointing seeing that they do have channels for many other Google products. If you have never checked out this site, do yourself a favor and get yourself a free account and let the automatic updating begin!
ready article good.